Java – Resource reference with name ‘jdbc/devl’ not found in ibm-web-bnd.xml


RAD 7, WebSphere 7.


<resource-ref name="jdbc/devl" binding-name="jdbc/devl" />



This conforms to the examples I see on the internet. This comes up because I am converting this app to servlet 2.5. As I understand it, the res-ref-name in web.xml should match the name attribute in resource-ref. The binding-name then matches the datasource defined in the admin console. To make it simple, I made them all match.

Is there another setting somewhere? Because this produces the error described in the title of the question.

Best Answer

If you are using Eclipse, try to update the web module version in project.facet.core.xml. It should be in synch with the web.xml web-app version.

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