Java – Responsibilities and use of Service and DAO Layers


I am currently developing a web application using Struts2 with Spring plugin and hibernate and while I was looking at online examples I saw the use of Service and DAO layers now it came to me what are the real use of Service and data access object layers? If The Service layer is just calling the methods of DAO layers to perform CRUD operations. wouldn't be sensible to just call the DAO layers methods directly?

Let's say this example of Dao and Service Layer


    public class PeopleService {

        private PeopleDao pDao;

        public PeopleDao getPDao() { return pDao; }

        public void setPDao(PeopleDao peopleDao) { this.pDao = peopleDao;   }

        public void createPerson(String name){

        public List<Person> getPeople(){
            return pDao.getPeople();



public class PeopleDao {

    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
        this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;

    public Session sess() {
        return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    public Person getPersonById(long id) {
        return (Person) sess().load(Person.class, id);

    public void deletePersonById(long id) {

    public void createPerson(String name) {
        Person p = new Person();

    public List<Person> getPeople() {
        return sess().createQuery("from Person").list();


My question is what is the real use of Service layers if they are only being injected by their representative DAO and then calling its method?

Best Answer

It is a good idea to have those two layers when your business logic is more complex than your data logic. The service layer implements the business logic. In most cases, this layer has to perform more operations than just calling a method from a DAO object. And if you're thinking of making your application bigger, this is probably the best solution.

Imagine you want to include a City entity and create a relationship between People and City. Here is an example:

public class PeopleService {

    private PeopleDAO pDAO;
    private CityDAO cDAO;


    public void createPerson(String name, String city)
     throws PeopleServiceException {
        Person p = new Person();

        City c = cDAO.getCityByName(city);
        if (c == null) throw new ServiceException(city + " doesn't exist!");
        if (c.isFull()) throw new ServiceException(city + " is full!");



In this example, you can implement more complex validations, like checking the consistency of the data. And PersonDAO has not been modified.

Another example:

DAO and Service layers with Spring

Definition of Service layer pattern