Java – Roll back transaction after exception in JPA + Spring


I'm using Spring and JPA with HIbernate underneath. When a PersistenceException is thrown, I want to catch it and return the error message so that it is not propagated up to the caller.

public String save(Object bean) {
    String error = null;

    try {
        EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager();

        for (int i = 0, n = entities.size(); i < n; i ++) {
    catch (PersistenceException e) {
        error = e.getMessage();

    return error;

But I get an exception saying that javax.persistence.RollbackException: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly. I get that the transaction needs to be rolled back after an exception but how do I roll it back when I've catched the exception and do not want to re-throw it?

Best Answer

By using @Transactional if there are any RuntimeExceptions thrown in the method, it will automatically perform the rollback. You don't need to manually do it. You probably shouldn't be catching that exception at all and instead let it pass to a higher level ExceptionHandler that shows some standard error page to the user (not the stack trace). Also your method is marked void but you are returning a String.