Java – Running Spring3 tutorial Build error

javaspringweb services

I am doing a Spring3 tutorial. i downloaded the code from this tutorial. When i try to run it i get the following errors; I think i might be missing 1 or 2 Jar files. Can someone help me by pointing which Jar file i need to install and the link to do so.

Description Resource Path Location Type
Can not find the tag library descriptor for "" contact.jsp /Spring3HibernateMaven/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp line 3 JSP Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
Can not find the tag library descriptor for "" contact.jsp /Spring3HibernateMaven/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp line 1 JSP Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
Can not find the tag library descriptor for "" contact.jsp /Spring3HibernateMaven/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp line 2 JSP Problem

2nd Error

Description Resource Path Location Type

Description Resource Path Location Type
Autowired cannot be resolved to a type /Spring3HibernateMaven/src/main/java/net/viralpatel/contact/controller line 19 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
BindingResult cannot be resolved to a type /Spring3HibernateMaven/src/main/java/net/viralpatel/contact/controller line 33 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
Entity cannot be resolved to a type /Spring3HibernateMaven/src/main/java/net/viralpatel/contact/form line 9 Java Problem

There are 2 types of errors here, can some one help me resolve it.

Best Answer

@Illep: I was following the same tutorial and including


<!-- ... -->


<!-- ... -->

in pom.xml and puting a space between

prefix="spring" %>

did the trick.

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