Java – servlet mapping with URL patterns is not working and have to use URL-servlet/servletclassname for using servlets


i have an web hosting space of java (jsp/servlet) and i have tried
many times servlets using mappings in web.xml file with its URL
patterns and when i used that URL then its showing message "The
requested URL /myservlet was not found on this server." page which is
default set by hosting provider. so when i asked it from hosting
provider that i am unable to use myservlet or any servlet that is
mapped in web.xml file then replied to me that "to use your servlet
please follow URL-" and when i
used this URL which i have not mapped in my web.xml file was working
and also i got many time that web.xml file is not using by the server

so i want to ask why its happening , i mean why web.xml file is not
working , why i have to use /servlet/servletclassname in order to use
the servlet and now how i can use URL pattern for dynamic URLs…

Please any buddy help me…!!!

Here is the Web.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Best Answer

Are you using the correct context as the first part of your path in URL? Whenever you deploy an application, you specify a context that identify all your URLs. Any url-pattern will be applied after that context. Let's say you have context called "MyShop", then using your provided web.xml, you should call http://yourdomain/MyShop/MyServlet .

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