Java – Servlet spring-servlet is not available (Spring+BlazeDS Integration)


I'm trying to setup a Flex project using the Spring + BlazeDS integration by working through the refcard kindly posted by James Ward on

Some problems/challenges are sticking their heads out. The Tomcat deployment is going well, all the files are on the server and I can summon main.swf through the browser.

I get the following ActionScript exception when trying to make the AMF request to Spring/BlazeDS:

RPC Fault faultString="Send failed"
error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP:
Failed: url:

When placing the "Failed: url:" URL directly in the browser, Tomcat displays the following error message:

HTTP Status 404 – Servlet Spring MVC
Dispatcher Servlet is not available

I've setup all the files like James Ward instructed on his refcard, application-config.xml, web.xml and services-config.xml are all in order as far as I can see.

Any ideas as to what I'm messing up?

PS: I'm noticing small changes in terms of James' refcard and the stable release of the integration. Is there something that changed after the M2 release that might be biting me in the behind?

Best Answer

I have the same problem and I fixed it by adding backport-util-concurrent.jar and cfgatewayadapter.jar from test-drive-sample of flex-spring integration , thank you josamoto for your post , finally the integration works good .
