Java Servlets – Storing a list of values in web.xml (multiple param-value’s for single param-name)


I'm creating a servlet that needs to load configuration information. Part of the configuration information I need is a list of Strings (specifically, a list of hostnames and/or URLs).

I was hoping to store this information in my servlet's web.xml file (so I don't have to write my own parser) as either a context-param or init-param; essentially multiple param-value's for a single param-name.

Example of what I would like:


My initial research seems to indicate this is not possible–that there can only be a single param-value for any param-name (within either context-param or init-param).

I know I could just use a delimited list within a single param-value, but is that really my only option if I still want to use web.xml? Should I just stop whining and write my own config file parser?

Best Answer

Servlet spec says that you can have only one value for any context parameter. So, you are left with going with delimited list only.

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