Java – Speed up Spring Boot startup time


I have a Spring Boot application. I've added a lot of dependencies (unfortunately, looks I need all of them) and the startup time went up quite a lot. Just doing a, args) takes 10 seconds.

While that might not be much compared to what are "used" to, I'm unhappy that it takes that much, mostly because it breaks the development flow. The application itself is rather small at this point, so I assume most of the time is related to the added dependencies, not the app classes themselves.

I assume the issue is classpath scanning, but I am not sure how to:

  • Confirm that is the issue (i.e. how to "debug" Spring Boot)
  • If it really is the cause, how can I limit it, so it gets faster? For example, if I know that some dependency or package does not contain anything that Spring should be scanning, is there a way to limit that?

I assume that enhancing Spring to have parallel bean initialization during startup would speed up things, but that enhancement request has been open since 2011, without any progress. I see some other efforts in Spring Boot itself, such as Investigate Tomcat JarScanning speed improvements, but that is Tomcat specific and has been abandoned.

This article:

although aimed at integration tests, suggests using lazy-init=true, however I do not know how to apply this to all beans in Spring Boot using Java configuration – any pointers here?

Any (other) suggestions would be welcome.

Best Answer

Spring Boot does a lot of auto-configuration that may not be needed. So you may want to narrow down only auto-configuration that is needed for your app. To see full list of auto-configuration included, just run logging of org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure in DEBUG mode ( in Another option is to run spring boot application with --debug option: java -jar myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --debug

There would be something like this in output:


Inspect this list and include only autoconfigurations you need:

public class SampleWebUiApplication {

Code was copied from this blog post.