Java – Spring AOP for interface and for annotated methods within it


I have service code like this:

public class MyService implements {

    public void someMethodWhichDoesNotNeedAutorization() {
        // code S1
    public void someMethodWhichNeedAutorization() {
        // code S2

and aspect like this:

public class MyAspect {

    public void adviceBeforeEveryMethodFromClassImplementingWithSession() {
        // code A1

    @Before("target( && @annotation(")
    public void adviceBeforeWithAuthorizationMethodFromClassImplementingWithSession() {
        // code A2

Annotation looks like:

public @interface WithAuthorization{
  • code A1 is called before code S1 — OK
  • code A1 is called before code S2 — OK
  • code A2 isn't called before code S2 — NOT OK

What am I doing wrong?

Code is written in Java 7 with Spring 3.1.3.


I've tried another way. I use 'Around' advice instead of 'Before' and 'After' to have access to ProceedingJoinPoint. In this advice I check with reflection whether method has annotation '' or not:

private boolean isAnnotated(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) {
    MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) proceedingJoinPoint.getSignature();
    return signature.getMethod().isAnnotationPresent(;

My annotation has '@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)' but I see in debugger that annotation is missing on runtime in the method signature. So the problem still exists.

Best Answer

In Spring Reference at this link

e.g. in Spring reference

@Before(" && @annotation(auditable)")
public void audit(Auditable auditable) {
    AuditCode code = auditable.value();
    // ...

the execution of any method defined by the AccountService interface:


any join point (method execution only in Spring AOP) where the executing method has an @Transactional annotation:


I suggest you to use...

@Before("execution(**(..)) && @annotation(authorization)")
public void adviceBeforeWithAuthorizationMethodFromClassImplementingWithSession(WithAuthorization authorization) {
    // code A2