Java – Spring-boot, JUnit tests using different profiles


I'm trying to use profiles for integration tests using JUnit in order to check two different platforms.

I tried doing so with basic configuration file which contains the common configurations for both platforms, and on top of that I've added properties files for each platform, which have specific platform configurations, but I found out that it works differently in JUnit than the approach I used to use in the main application.

my test configuration class looks like this:

class TestConfig {...}

I'm using @PropertySource("") so it will recognize my basic configurations, there I also write, in hope that it will recognize the tensorflow application profile however it doesn't read from the file: /src/test/resources/, nor from /src/main/resources/ as it does in main app.

Is there special a way to specify a spring profile in JUnit test? What is the best practice to achieve what I'm trying to do?

Best Answer

First: Add @ActiveProfiles to your test class to define the active profiles.

Also, you need to configure that config files should be loaded. There are two options:

  • In a simple integration test with @ContextConfiguration(classes = TheConfiguration.class, initializers = ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class)
  • In a full Spring Boot test with @SpringBootTest

Example test class:

@ActiveProfiles({ "test" })
public class DummyTest {

    private Environment env;

    public void readProps() {
        String value = env.getProperty("prop1") + " " + env.getProperty("prop2");
        assertEquals("Hello World", value);

Now the files src/test/resources/ and src/test/resources/ are evaluated.