Java – does not work with placeholders in Spring Cloud Config server


I use File system backend ( to load configuration files.

What I want to achieve is to have separate folder per application where all the configuration of appropriate component is stored e.g. /configs/TestApp1/*.yml, /configs/TestApp2/*.yml

Documentation tells that this can be done using placeholder {application} in search-locations property (according to Spring Cloud Config Server documentation However this does not do the trick.

I have the following config in application.yml of configuration server

  port: 8000

          search-locations: classpath:/configs/{application}

    active: native

When I make HTTP GET request to endpoint: http://localhost:8000/TestApp1/dev I do not get configuration from the Config Server as it does not replace placeholder to client application name (at least I think it should work in this way) and tries to look in the following directories:

Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1-dev.xml' resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1-dev.xml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1.xml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1-dev.yml' resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1-dev.yml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1.yml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/' resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1-dev.yaml' resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1-dev.yaml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/TestApp1.yaml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application-dev.xml' resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application-dev.xml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application.xml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application-dev.yml' resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application-dev.yml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application.yml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/' resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application-dev.yaml' resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application-dev.yaml' for profile dev resource not found
Skipped config file 'classpath:/configs/{application}/application.yaml' for profile dev resource not found

Note: I tried to debug Spring sources but it seems that placeholders are not replaced in search-locations property. Well, there is also a chance that I might have missed/misunderstood something 🙂

Maybe someone could advice how can I have separate configuration directory per application in Spring Cloud Config Server?

Best Answer

I did a test with milestone version of Spring Cloud Brixton.M5 and placeholder {application} in search-locations is working as expected.

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