Java – Spring MVC – how to return 404 on missing parameters


I want to trigger 404 page whenever I wasn't passed all of the parameters. Lets say I have the following URI:


In case on of the parameters wasn;t invoked I want to return 404 page. I tried doing:

@RequestMapping(value = "op", params = { "!param1" })
public void missingArg() {

but then I get an exception telling me there is ambiguity between methods that handle missing second and third parameter.

How can I accomplish this, then?

Best Answer

If you're using Spring 3.1 you can define an exception class like so:

@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
public final class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
   //  class definition

Now whenever you throw that exception, Spring will return the http status defined in your @ResponseStatus annotation. For example:

@RequestMapping(value = "/op")
public void methodWithRequestParams(@RequestParam(value = "param1", required = false) String param1, 
        @RequestParam(value = "param2", required = false) String param2) {
  if (param1 == null || param2 == null) {
    throw new ResourceNotFoundException();

will return a 404 whenever param1 or param2 is null.