Java – Spring MVC – Map controller to context root (/) while using mvc:resources



Having issues mapping a controller to / (i.e. localhost:8080/someApp/ would map to @Controller("/")) while also using mvc:resources

web.xml mapping:



<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />

The server loads the page correctly, but when I map to an asset i.e.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value="/resources/css/blueprint/print.css"/>" />

When clicking the css file via view-source in a web browser, the server response maps back to the index page, rather than the resource. Leads me to believe it's related to the servlet-mapping.

Any help with this would be great!


Forgot to mention, if I bind the controller to say:


Everything works fine, just would rather have the context root be able to respond correctly.

Best Answer




are not the same thing.

Since @RequestMapping may be placed at a class level, placing the mapping on the class will have the desired affect.


public class RootController

  public String index()
    return "index";


This will work correctly, and also works with the mvc:resources bean.