Java – sticky session with apache web server and tomcat servers


I am using apache web server as a load balancer for two tomcat instances behind apache. When the first request goes to node A and second request from the same client goes to node B, i cant access session variables within node A. It's obvious. I surfed in the internet and found that enabling sticky sessions would help. But all the tutorials for enabling the sticky sessions in apache look confusing. Is there any simple step-by-step tutorial for this? Please help.

Code fragment from comment:

ProxyPass /balancer-manager ! 
ProxyPass /balancer://mycluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID 
ProxyPassReverse /balancer://mycluster/ 
<Proxy balancer://mycluster>; 
  BalancerMember ajp://localhost:9001/ route=NodeA1000 retry=10 
  BalancerMember ajp://localhost:9002/ route=NodeB1000 retry=10 

Best Answer

This worked for me...

Instead of using stickysession=JSESSIONID in ProxyPass directive it has to be set within balancer configuration using ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID:

<Proxy balancer://mybalancer>
BalancerMember ajp://server1:8009 route=tomcat1
BalancerMember ajp://server2:8009 route=tomcat2
ProxySet lbmethod=bytraffic
ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID
ProxyPass /myapp/ mybalancer://myapp/

It was not working for me when I was using it in ProxyPass as shown below:

ProxyPass /myapp/ mybalancer://myapp/ stickysession=JSESSIONID

This should be added to apache docs, because it's such a pain to solve.

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