Java – Stripes, Spring, Play (or ?) : which high performance Java framework to use


We are beginning to build out a webapp which will probably see a lot of traffic. We dont have a lot of money, so we want to reduce hardware cost.
More or less, I think that means we will try to be as stateless as possible (as the Wicket way suggests – have bookmarkable URLs, etc. etc.)

The other problem is that we are gonna be hiring contractors (think oDesk or elance) for chunks of work – so there is the question of finding talent.

I have looked at Tapestry and seen a lot of API instability ( see: Why did you stop using Tapestry? ) which makes me reluctant to use it.

Seam and Wicket are highly stateful – not something I care for.

Grails looks to be very interesting. I know that there is a performance hit as compared to pure Java, but it might be worthwhile.

Stripes looks good, but I cant find examples of websites that have been built using Stripes

Which Java framework do you recommend for performance and simplicity ?

Best Answer

I would highly recommend Play! framework.

Java-based, Rails-like, easy to learn, highly productive, more and more real projects based on it, full stack, fast in coding and fast in production, active community...