Java try/catch performance, is it recommended to keep what is inside the try clause to a minimum


Considering you have code like this:

doSomething() // this method may throw a checked a exception
//do some assignements calculations
doAnotherThing() //this method may also throw the same type of checked exception
//more calls to methods and calculations, all throwing the same kind of exceptions.

Now I know, there is in fact a performance hit when constructing the exception, specifically unwinding the stack. And I have also read several articles pointing to a slight performance hit when entering try/catch blocks, but none of the articles seem to conclude anything.

My question is, is it recommended to keep the lines inside the try catch to bare minimum?, i.e. ONLY have inside the try clause the lines that can actually throw the exception you are catching. Does the code inside the try clause run slower or cause any performance hit?.

But more important what it is the best practice/more readable solution considering doing this:

try {
    doSomething() // this method may throw a checked a exception
//do some assignements calculations
doAnotherThing() //this method may also throw the same type of checked exception
//more calls to methods and calculations, all throwing the same kind of exceptions.
catch (MyCheckedException e) {
   //handle it

or :

try {
    doSomething() // this method may throw a checked a exception
catch (MyCheckedException e) {
   //Store my exception in a Map (this is all running in a loop and I want it to   continue running, but I also want to know which loops didn't complete and why)
 //do some assignements calculations
try {
    doAnotherThing() // this method may throw a checked a exception
catch (MyCheckedException e) {
    //Store my exception in a Map (this is all running in a loop and I want it to   continue running, but I also want to know which loops didn't complete and why)

This is considering that you will handle ALL this checked exceptions exactly the same way of course.

Best Answer

Is it recommended to keep the lines inside the try catch to bare minimum?

No. Can't imagine how you could think that the length of a try block or indeed of any block can have any impact on performance.

Does the code inside the try clause run slower or cause any performance hit?.


As you observed, exceptions only incur performance costs when thrown.

If you're concerned about 'try' performance, surely the thing to do is keep the code inside to a maximum?