Java – Unable to install GWT Developer Plugin


I started learning GWT and wrote a sample app in Eclipse. I then said "Run on server". It gave me a URL to open and I opened that in Chrome. I saw a prompt asking me to install the GWT Developer Plugin and gave me a link. But I don't see any button to "Install". Is this some cruel joke from Google? What am I supposed to do now? How do I run the app? Eclipse only gives me this link which in turn gives me a prompt to install the plugin which I can't. On Firefox, it says version 29 not supported. What the hell is going on?

enter image description here

Best Answer

GWT Developer Plugin isn't compatible to Firefox 27+. So it simply doesn't work with your FF 29. The reason why it doesn't work anymore can be found in a post by Brian Slesinsky.

You have several options of how to work in the future:

  • Use FF 26 (this can cause potential security problems)
  • Use FF ESR version (currently based on FF 24) that is typically used by Companies
  • Use Super Dev Mode
  • Use Dev Mode with another supported browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) and test FF with a compiled version of your application only.