Java – UnableError: unable to get cib


I'm trying to create cluster for Load balancer to forward my request to two apache instances by using Pace maker package. For that I installed "corosync, pcs, pacemaker" packages.
I did the cluster setup for node1 and node2. Now when I'm trying to create cluster resource using the below command

sudo pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=<IP_ADDRESS> cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=30s

This command is giving below error.

Error: unable to get cib

So is there anything I'm missing here?

Best Answer

You got that answer because your cluster hasnĀ“t been created. You should use the following command to create one, for an example:

pcs cluster setup --start --name my_cluster

Refer to this Website for further information:

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