Java – Upgrading to Java 11, sonarqube, jacoco with maven causing errors


After upgrading Java from 8 to 11. sonar:sonar is not working getting exception
in the end.

Java 1.8 is working fine with Sonarqube 7.7, now with java 11 and sonarqube 7.8 it is failing with exception

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project xxxx: Unable to read ….\target\jacoco.exec to determine JaCoCo binary format.: EOFException -> [Help 1]

Using below properties for java 11


Below plugins using jacoco


Am I missing any configuration in pom file to run sonarqube using jacoco

Best Answer

Removing sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths and maven-surefire-plugin gave the code coverage. Issue is fixed.


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