Java Vector Thread safety


Is there any danger, if im using one Vector(java.util.Vector) on my server program when im accessing it from multiple threads only for reading? (myvector .size() .get() …) For writing im using synchronized methods. Thank you.

Best Answer

As stated above, every single method of Vector is thread-safe by its own because of synchronized modifiers. But, if you need some complex operations, such as get() or add() based on condition which is related to the same vector, this is not thread-safe. See example below:

if (vector.size() > 0) {

This code has a race condition between size() and get() - the size of vector might be changed by other thread after our thread verified the vector is not empty, and thus get() call may return unexpected results. To avoid this, the sample above should be changed like this:

synchronized (vector) {
    if (vector.size() > 0) {

Now this "get-if-not-empty" operation is atomic and race condition-free.