Java – Windows 7 Taskbar Progress Bar in Java

javawindowswindows 7

I'd like to know if it is possible to make a progress bar displayed on the taskbar like Windows Explorer does when there's a file operation going on?

I saw many examples, but they all involved C#.

SWT won't cut it.

progress bar displayed on the taskbar

Best Answer

I found out that this feature is included in Java 9. It is part of AWT and it is quity simple too use.

Here is short example:

import java.awt.Taskbar;
import java.awt.Taskbar.State;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.WindowConstants;

 * @author fxl
public class TaskbarSample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // JavaDoc:

        // MSDNDoc:
        if (Taskbar.isTaskbarSupported() == false) {

        JFrame dialog = new JFrame("Test - 50%");

        Taskbar taskbar = Taskbar.getTaskbar();
        taskbar.setWindowProgressState(dialog, State.ERROR);
        taskbar.setWindowProgressValue(dialog, 50);     
