Javafx textarea background color not css


I want to change the background color of the textarea in SceneBuilder.

I failed to change in the style menu :-fx-background-color.

So I found to change the background color by using the CSS file.

.text-area .content{
  -fx-background-color: red;

But I want to change the other way except for the css file.
Please give me a hint .

Best Answer

You can change it in Java code:

public void start( Stage stage )
    TextArea area = new TextArea();
    Scene scene = new Scene( area, 800, 600 );
    stage.setScene( scene );;

    Region region = ( Region ) area.lookup( ".content" );
    region.setBackground( new Background( new BackgroundFill( Color.BROWN, CornerRadii.EMPTY, Insets.EMPTY ) ) );

    // Or you can set it by setStyle()
    region.setStyle( "-fx-background-color: yellow" );

To do that we first lookup the child Region sub structure of text area then apply styling on it. This action should be done after the stage has been shown.

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