Javascript – ActiveXObject issue in javaScript

activexinternet explorerjavascriptSecurity

I wrote a javascript function in my html page to execute an .exe file. for this i used ActiveXObject.
my function is:


function openWin(url)

  if (!document.all) {
         alert ("Available only with Internet Explorer.");

var ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");


It works fine but there is a alert "An ActiveX control might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?" comes up to confirm. If i say YES only it will get loaded.

Pls anyone help me on this how to avoid this pop-up coming every time when i reload my html page.

Best Answer

You can't. Your users can, by giving your page trusted access to their computer (e.g., by adding the URL to the "Trusted Sites" zone).