Javascript – Ajax request in progress jQuery


Is there a way to check if there's ajax request in progress?
Something like:

if ( $.ajax.inProgress ){ do this; } else { do that; }

Best Answer

yes there is

     type: 'get',
     url: 'url',
     data: {
              email: $email.val()
     dataType: 'text',
     success: function(data)
        if(data == '1')
            $response.attr('style', '')
                     .attr('style', "color:red;")
                     .html('Email already registered please enter a different email.');
            $response.attr('style', '')
                     .attr('style', "color:green;")
     beforeSend: function(){
     complete: function(){

the beforeSend will do the process you need to do when the ajax request has just started and complete will be called when the ajax request is complete.