Javascript – attach get/set function to objects property in js


I essentially have an object:

var foo = function() {
  this.setting = false;
  this.refresh = function() { ... };

let a = new foo();
a.setting = true; // a.refresh() is triggered

I need to trigger refresh anytime .setting is written to. I feel like it has something to do with bind, but I couldn't quite get it.

Best Answer

You could use JavaScript getters and setters. See the MDC documentation on the subject and John Resig's blog post on the subject. Note that not all browsers support this.

var Foo = function()//constructor
   this._settings = false;//hidden variable by convention
   this.__defineGetter__("settings", function(){
     return _settings;//now foo.settings will give you the value in the hidden var

   this.__defineSetter__("settings", function(s){
      _settings = s;//set the hidden var with foo.settings = x
      this.refresh();//trigger refresh when that happens

   this.refresh = function(){
      alert("Refreshed!");//for testing

var a = new Foo();//create new object
a.settings = true;//change the property
//a.refresh() is triggered

Try it!