Javascript – Change textbox to textarea on click

extjsjavascripttextareauser interface

How do I convert a simple text box to text area when the user clicks on it. I'm using EXT JS.

Best Answer

Are you doing it just for visual appearance? Or is there a valid reason for converting it from input to textarea?

If you are doing it just for the visuals of it you can get a long way with just setting the height of your textarea and in the focus event increase the height.


    new Ext.form.TextArea({
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        name: 'myTextArea',
        width: 200,
        height: 22,
        listeners: {
            focus: function(textarea){
            blur: function(textarea){


EDIT: These stopped working:

Try it here:

You can even quite easily animate it for some extra fancy visualy fancy pancy.