Javascript – Check if a key exists inside a JSON object


amt: "10.00"
email: ""
merchant_id: "sam"
mobileNo: "9874563210"
orderID: "123456"
passkey: "1234"

The above is the JSON object I'm dealing with. I want to check if the merchant_id key exists. I tried the below code, but it's not working. Any way to achieve it?

window.onload = function getApp()
  var thisSession = JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($_POST); ?>');
  if (!("merchant_id" in thisSession)==0)
    // do nothing.

Best Answer

Try this,



the JS Object thisSession should be like

amt: "10.00",
email: "",
merchant_id: "sam",
mobileNo: "9874563210",
orderID: "123456",
passkey: "1234"

you can find the details here