Javascript : Check if RadGrid item is in Edit mode


Iam using a telerik RadGrid and I want to check if GridDataItem is in edit mode

Using javascript .

I can handle this using VB but I want to do it on Client Side.

If anyone can tell me also how to loop through all Items in the Grid and get selected item

using JavaScript.

I'm stuck Here .. Any Help Please … I will be grateful.

2) I have a problem with OnCommand function in Javascript

I have a commandItemTemplate in radgrid.

and I add a client event: <ClientEvents OnCommand="OnCommand" />

Function: function OnCommand(sender, args) {
if (args.get_commandName() == 'EditSelected') {

The OnCommand doesn't fire on any of the commands in the CommandItemTemplate
, on the other hand , it fires on other commands like (Edit,Update,Delete,…).

I don't know why?? I need Help Please.

Best Answer

Have you looked at the documentation? Using get_editItems() should do the trick

function getTableViewEditedItems() {
    var masterTable = $find("<%= RadGrid1.ClientID %>").get_masterTableView();
    //get all edited GridDataItems from the current table view that are in edit mode
    var editedItemsArray = masterTable.get_editItems();