Javascript – Count the number of nodes in an XML snippet using Javascript/E4X


Consider this problem:

Using Javascript/E4X, in a non-browser usage scenario (a Javascript HL7 integration engine), there is a variable holding an XML snippet that could have multiple repeating nodes.

 <pet type="dog">Barney</pet>
 <pet type="cat">Socks</pet>

Question: How to get the count of the number of pet nodes in Javascript/E4X ?

EDIT: To clarify, this question should be around E4X (ECMAScript for XML). Apologies to those who answered without this information. I should have researched & posted this info beforehand.

Best Answer

Use an E4X XML object to build an XMLList of your 'pet' nodes. You can then call the length method on the XMLList.

//    <pet type="dog">Barney</pet>
//    <pet type="cat">Socks</pet>

// initialized to some XML resembling your example
var petsXML = new XML("");  

// build XMLList
var petList = petsXML['pet'];  

// alternative syntax
// var petList =;  

// how many pet nodes are under a given pets node?
var length = petList.length();