Javascript – Create new Javascript array with field names


I have a data file that I'm reading into an array. The array created by the original data file looks like this:

var originalArray = [ {vendor: 2001, bananas: 50, apples:75, oranges: 12},
                      {vendor: 2002, bananas: 25, apples:60, oranges: 82},
                      {vendor: 2003, bananas: 36, apples:41, oranges: 73},
                      {vendor: 2004, bananas: 59, apples:62, oranges: 87}];

I select a vendor from the array using .filter (this is working fine) but then I need to change the new array (the one that contains only one vendor code) into an array that looks like this.

var desiredArray = [ {fruitName: "bananas", qty: 50},
                     {fruitName: "apples", qty: 75 },
                     {fruitName: "oranges", qty: 12} ];

Using .push I can get the quantities, but how can I get the fruit names to go from field names to values in the "fruitName" field?

Best Answer

If you've got the selected vendor object, you can do something like this to create the desiredArray.

var desiredArray = [];
var selectedVendor = originalArray[2]; // this is the vendor you got via .filter

for(property in selectedVendor) {
    if(property !== 'vendor') {
        desiredArray.push({fruitName: property, qty: selectedVendor[property]});