Javascript – Customize ios keyboard to show numeric keyboard


I am working on a hybrid apps where I need to display numeric keyboard with dot and comma for iOS. I tried the pattern [0-9] with type as number. It works for android but does not show dot/comma for iOS. Anyone has any idea how to achieve this for iOS ? i tried searching for cordova plugin. Did not get any. I created a custom keyboard in angular. But it is having some delay for iOS when i provide any input.
I need below attached keyboard in html5 input field. For ios i don't get dots using
"input type="number" min="0" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*"".

Please see attached screenshot

Best Answer

2019 Update

For anyone coming from Google looking for a working solution, this is now possible with the inputmode attribute as of iOS 12.3.

So something like <input type="number" pattern="[0-9]*" inputmode="decimal"> will show the numeric keyboard with a dot/comma for Android/iOS 12.3+, and the regular numeric keyboard for older iOS devices - note that inputmode has to be set to "decimal".

More info available on MDN.