Javascript – Default $resource POST data


That might be strange but I need to specify some default POST data for my $resource using the factory method of the module.

Does anyone have an idea of how to do that in AngularJS ?


Well, i want to do something like this :

 * Module declaration.
 * @type {Object}
var services = angular.module("services", ["ngResource"]);

 * Product handler service
services.factory("Product", function($resource) {
    return $resource("http://someUrl", {}, {
        get   : {method: "GET", params: {productId: "-1"}},
        update: {method : "POST", params:{}, data: {someDataKey: someDataValue}}

Where data is the default data for my future POST requests.

Best Answer

This is not really the angular way to do such a thing as you lose data consistency if you do it and it doesn't reflect in your model.


The resource factory creates the object and uses object instance data as POST. I have looked at the documentation and angular-resource.js and there doesn't seem to be a way to specify any default custom properties for the object being created by resource without modifying angular-resource.js.

What you can do is:

services.factory("Product", function($resource) {
    return $resource("http://someUrl", {}, {
        get   : {method: "GET", params: {productId: "-1"}},
        update: {method : "POST"}

and in your controller:

$scope.product = {}; // your product data initialization stuff
$scope.product.someDataKey = 'someDataValue'; // add your default data

var product = new Product($scope.product);