Javascript – Detect viewport orientation, if orientation is Portrait display alert message advising user of instructions


I am building a website specifically for mobile devices. There is one page in particular which is best viewed in landscape mode.

Is there a way to detect if the user visiting that page is viewing it in Portrait mode and if so, display a message informing the user that the page is best viewed in landscape mode? If the user is already viewing it in landscape mode then no message will appear.

So basically, I want the site to detect the viewport orientation, if orientation is Portrait, then display an alert message advising the user that this page is best viewed in Landscape mode.

Best Answer

if(window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth){
    alert("Please use Landscape!");

jQuery Mobile has an event that handles the change of this property... if you want to warn if someone rotates later - orientationchange

Also, after some googling, check out window.orientation (which is I believe measured in degrees...)

EDIT: On mobile devices, if you open a keyboard then the above may fail, so can use screen.availHeight and screen.availWidth, which gives proper height and width even after the keyboard is opened.

if(screen.availHeight > screen.availWidth){
    alert("Please use Landscape!");