Javascript – Detecting adobe flash version on IE7 – vista


It appears I'm not able to detect the installed version of flash on Vista/IE7.

The following code fails:

var x = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');

The error I'm getting is:

automation server cannot create object

Looking at the Adobe Flash Detection Kit (from adobe), it looks like that's failing as well. I only have 1 vista machine to test with, so I'm curious:

  • Are there ways around the problem
  • Does this problem occur for everyone?

I have successfully tested this on IE6 and IE7 on Windows XP.

Best Answer

There are great examples on how to retrieve the version of currently installed Flash version. All of the similar examples are using actionscript (v2+), they just assemble information about the flash version and show it to the user.