Javascript – Do I need server-end knowledge (e.g. Django, Rails), if I want to do Javascript, AJAX stuff

djangojavascriptruby-on-railsuser interface

I am trying to get into web development, specially interested building the front-end, UI part of websites while learning JavaScript maybe with AJAX technology. (I have a UI, HCI background.)

However, I have absolutely no previous knowledge about server-end web development either. To my understanding, frameworks like Django seem to pretty good at this (correct me if I am misunderstanding).

So the question is: how much Django, or Rails do I need to know, if my interest is primarily the user interface part of web development. Can I just let somebody else do the back-end stuff?

Pardon me for my imprecise choice of terminologies.

Best Answer

You can make a career of front-end user interface development without know a ton about server code. You would do well though to have at least a rudimentary understanding of what happens on the server when you send it a request, where your data comes from, and what the life-cycle of a web page is. This assumes that you have the support of back-end developers. As you mentioned Ajax in your question that implies that you want your web sites to actually do something, which will require things to happen on the back-end (such as storage, manipulation of data, logging in a user, etc.).

As with all things, the more you know, the easier it will be to get what you want from the dedicated professionals. I would suggest that you learn about programming in general, not try an learn a language and framework. In particular, try to understand datatypes, server settings (like timeouts, post versus get, etc.), security and database interactions as they exist beyond JavaScript/ECMAScript. That way when a developer is explaining why they cannot do something you have requested or are offering alternatives, you are speaking the same language.

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