Javascript – Does a Javascriptable FTP Upload Java/Flash Applet exist


To be able to upload large files from a HTML page to a FTP server, I am looking for a Java/Flash FTP upload applet.

I really like the way dhtmlxVault works, but I need it to upload to a FTP server instead of a HTTP file upload.

It would be really nice if the applet has no GUI of it's own, but instead is fully scriptable using Javascript so I can use HTML/CSS for it's appearance.

I hopefully looked into Yahoo!'s YUI Uploader since it requires Flash, but the documentation only mentions HTTP upload and no FTP upload.

Best Answer

This is exactly what IntegralFTP is - a Java applet wrapped by Javascript. The GUI is all implemented in Javascript, and so you can change it how you like.

It supports SFTP, FTP and FTPS.

You can use IntegralFTP from, or purchase from here.