Javascript – Does jQuery use create document fragment inside each loops


So I've read that jQuery uses document fragments internally to make rendering faster. But I am wondering if anyone knows if jQuery would use createDocumentFragment in this situation where I'm appending img elements to the DOM using the each loop?

var displayArray = []; // Lots of img elements

$.each(displayArray, function()

Or would I need to use this code in order to reduce the number of browser reflows?

var displayArray = []; // Lots of img elements
var imgHolder = $('<div/>');

$.each(displayArray, function()


Also, the displayArray is populated by other code, not shown here, that creates img elements based off of paths in a JSON file.

Thank you for any advice.

Best Answer

Why all the looping to add elements?

$('#imgSection').append("<div>" + displayArray .join("") + "</div>");

Okay so it is elements.

The quickest way is going to be using append with the array itself.


other option using one div to append is

var div = $("<div/>").append(elems);

BUT appending a lot of images at once is going to be bad unless they are preloaded. That will be a bunch of http requests being queued up.

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