Javascript – dojo dijit dialog underlay not showing


I'm trying to have three different dialogs on as hidden initially, then depending on the response from the ajax form submit, i wish to show different dialogs.

When the form is submitted and waiting for the response, i can show the "in progress" dialog.
Then if the server returns an error response, I want to hide the first dialog, then display another dialog depending on the error response type.

I can almost achieve what I want to do except when I hide the first dialog and show the next one, the underlay disappears.
If then I scroll inside the browser window, the underlay is displayed properly.
I'm doing something simple like this:


Anyone have suggestions?

I've seen the following page on dojo website, but it seems to be an interim solution for dojo 0.9?

any help would be appreciated.


okay, I've "solved" the issue by adding a little delay like below.

setTimeout(function() {
    }, 500);

This works for me, but I think there could be a better way of solving it.
Any takers?

[Edit again]
The version I'm working with is dojo-1.3.2

Best Answer

There appeared a lot of issues with dialogs' underlay in dojo 1.3 because all dialog objects started to use 1 common underlay object (instead of creating their own underlay).
I suspect the underlay in your case is shown before it gets hidden - you can debug if you wish ;)
As a workaround a timeout is ok(it can be less, I guess). Or you can try to connect to hide method (however not sure this will help):

dojo.connect(dijit.byId("progress_dialog"), "hide", dijit.byId("error_dialog"), "show");

But taking into account all those issues with underlay in 1.3, I would consider using dojo 1.4, as some patches for dijit.Dialog have been committed:

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