Javascript – Domain Driven Design in Node.js Application


I'm looking for trite example of DDD node.js application.


I'm going to create node application. I wonder that I can not find any example of application with business logic separated in domain.

OK, there are some examples like: – but this is whole CQRS with event sourcing implementation.

My idea is to do that like that:

function Book(title, author)
  this._title = title;
  this._author = author;

// domain methods ...

function BookRepository()
  var bookModel = mappers.mapToOrm(book);

// [...] get, getAll, getNextId

var Book = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: 'books'

function mapToOrm(book) {
  //mapping [...]
  return new persistance.Book();

function mapToDomain(domain) {
  //mapping [...]
  return new domain.Book();

but on the other hand I've never seen any similar solution (with domain model, orm model, repository and mappers). Am I thinking in the right way? Maybe there is no reason to separate business logic in domain in node.js applications. If so, why? If not, can you send me an example of DDD implementation or improve my code?


I've created sample application in TypeScript. For now without repositories and not much services. Issues and pull requests are welcome.

Best Answer

I'm very new to Node.js world.

But I believe if you do your work using TypeScript with Node you can force most of DDD principles to be used.

The problem "and advantage in the same time" in node.js that there aren't so restrictions like we have in OOP languages like C# or Java. and this freedom "and messy" of JavaScript making create robust complex DomainModel and Business logic very hard