Javascript – encodeURIComponent for double quotes disappears on form action


I'm trying to pass a url like:

my_url = '"query"';

when someone clicks on a form.

I tried using encodeURI and encodeURIComponent and even using alerts to see that I have either "query" or %22query%22 because I call something like document.my_form.action = my_url but when the browser hits to that page, I get:

The double quotes are missing. Similar tries with '=', '@' all are retained… is there something I'm missing?


Best Answer

Using a query string in an action attribute of a GET-method form will result in the query being overwritten by the variables of the form itself.

You can try to add your values as hidden input fields (using JavaScript).

I tried your code, and it works great for me:

<form id="testForm" method="post">
 <input type="submit">


 var actionUrl = "" + '"query"';

 document.getElementById("testForm").action = actionUrl;


Array ( [key] => "query" )