Javascript – Extract image url from HTML code using Javascript


I am pulling information from a Page note from the Facebook API. In the output I get an image URL embeded in HTML code. How can I extract the image url from the HTML code below using Javascript?

<img class=\"photo_img img\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" />


The above image tag is embedded in the JSON-response from the Facebook API.
I am also using Appcelerator to create an iOS app.


I solved it with:[i].message.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/)[1]

Thankful for all help!

Best Answer

You can use jQuery to extract any data from html. Use the following code

$(function() {

This will return you the src value only for the first instance of the img tag. If you want a specific img tag, you can include it inside a div.