Javascript – Facebook Graph API won’t return email address


Edit: Not Duplicate, because:

  • I have the permission
  • Debugged the token
  • Code works with test user

Please don't mark as duplicate without reading.

I'm trying to get the user e-mail address, but i don't get it. On graph api explorer, when i hit send, email field becomes grayed and says that:

field is empty or disallowed by access token

But when I debug the token it has email permission granted

My profile has an e-mail address.

Update: I tried . My profile returns nothing, even on another computer. But the same code returns the email, name and uid of another account.


    <fb:login-button scope="email">
  Grant Permissions to make more examples work

<button onclick="doPost()">Post to Stream</button>

function userData() {
  FB.api('/me?fields=name,email','/me callback'));

FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
  if (response.status === 'connected') {

It is possible to lockdown you e-mail so no one can has it? Even when i grant permission?

Best Answer

The Marcus' answer leads me to the real problem I was facing.

Debugging with the Facebook Explorer tool I was able to figure out that I should set the email scope at the FB.api() method after a successful login.

FB.login(function(response) {
    if (response.status === 'connected'){
        FB.api('/me?fields=id,email,name', function(data) {
        console.log( ) // it will not be null ;)
}, {scope: 'email'});

It is not quite clear at the Quickstart guide and I hope it helps someone else, too.