Javascript – Flash inside a scrolling div – IE6 bug


I have div containing a list of flash objects. The list is long so I've set the div height to 400 and overflow to auto.

This works fine on FF but on IE6 only the first 5 flash objects that are visible work. The rest of the flash objects that are initially outside the viewable area are empty when I scroll down. The swfs are loaded ok because I don't get the "movie not loaded". They also seem to be embedded correctly they are just empty ie. the content is never drawn.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

ps. The html elements involved are mainly floating in case that has an impact on this. The flash objects are embedded using the popular swfObject.

EDIT: It seems that the bug only occurs with the flash plugin "WIN 8,0,24,0"

Since I cant post a link I'll summarize the relevant code here:

<div style="overflow:auto; height:400px; float:left;">
<div id="item_1" style="float:left; clear:left; height:100px;">
<!-- swfObject Embed here -->
<div id="item_7" style="float:left; clear:left; height:100px;">
<!-- swfObject Embed here -->

After trying to recreate this problem in a separate page I found that the bug is some how related to the flash objects being hidden initially. My container div has "display:none; visibility:hidden" when page is loaded. Later on the style is changed via javascript to visible. If I load the page so that everything is visible from the start all is fine.

Best Answer

When I'm testing this sort of stuff in IE6, the first thing I do is start removing style information. Begin by removing all the floats and clears from both the parent DIV and children DIVs. If that doesn't work, remove all padding and margins, and give the parent DIV and children DIVs each a width of 100% (leaving in your height of 100px). If that doesn't work, then post back here. If I had to venture a guess I would say it is because none of your DIVs have a width, but that is a wild guess based upon what I know of the "peekaboo bug".