Javascript – flot pie chart tooltip percentage


I have having a problem with flot pie chart, its not showing correct percent value in tooltip, for example it shows series1:%p.0%

js code

  var data = [{
    label: "Series 0",
    data: 1
}, {
    label: "Series 1",
    data: 3
}, {
    label: "Series 2",
    data: 9
}, {
    label: "Series 3",
    data: 20
var plotObj = $.plot($("#flot-pie-chart"), data, {
    series: {
        pie: {
            show: true
    grid: {
        hoverable: true
    colors: ["#99c7ce","#efb3e6","#a48ad4","#AEC785","#fdd752"],
    tooltip: true,
    tooltipOpts: {
        content: "%p.0%, %s", // show percentages, rounding to 2 decimal places
        shifts: {
            x: 20,
            y: 0
        defaultTheme: false

Please help to resolve this.


Best Answer

You Need to include jquery.flot.tooltip.min.jsand change few setting as per below working example to display the tooltip with value.

datapie = [
    {label: "Running",  data: 19.5, color: '#e1ab0b'},
    {label: "Stopped",  data: 4.5, color: '#fe0000'},
    {label: "Terminated",  data: 36.6, color: '#93b40f'}

function legendFormatter(label, series) {
    return '<div ' + 
           'style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;">' +
           label + ' ' + Math.round(series.percent)+'%</div>';

$.plot($("#placeholder"), datapie, {
 series: {
     pie: {show: true, threshold: 0.1,
        // label: {show: true}
     grid: {
        hoverable: true
    tooltip: true,
    tooltipOpts: {
        cssClass: "flotTip",
        content: "%p.0%, %s",
        shifts: {
            x: 20,
            y: 0
        defaultTheme: false
    legend: {show: true, labelFormatter: legendFormatter}
#flotTip {
    padding: 3px 5px;
    background-color: #000;
    z-index: 100;
    color: #fff;
    opacity: .80;
    filter: alpha(opacity=85);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="placeholder" style="width:500px;height:400px;"></div>

Working Example Link :

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