Javascript – FontAwesome fails to load fonts locally and in electron app


I have downloaded FontAwesome using npm and then copied the css-file and the fonts into the right folders in the root-diretory of my electron-application using grunts copy task.

So far so good. Everything is where it is supposed to be.

Now, when i am referencing FontAwesome in my app, the icons do not get loaded. These are the errors that I get in the console:

Failed to decode downloaded font:
OTS parsing error: Failed to convert WOFF 2.0 font to SFNT

Failed to decode downloaded font:
OTS parsing error: incorrect file size in WOFF header

Failed to decode downloaded font:
OTS parsing error: incorrect entrySelector for table directory

I have already tried to modify FontAwesome's css file by removing all the version parameters but this does not seem to be the problem. The Issues comes up both by starting the app via electron . and when viewing the html-file in the browser.


To Answer some comments:

  • This problem occurrs in electron as well as in the browser (tested in chrome and firefox)
  • I am using the newest versions of both, FontAwesome (4.4.0) and Electron (0.32.1) (fresh install via npm)
  • css is loaded like: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/font-awesome.css" >

Best Answer

I had a similar issue (perhaps this answer will help someone). I use Maven to build projects (Java + JS). Maven Filter Plugin corrupted binary font files. I had to add includes and excludes:

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