Javascript function leading bang ! syntax


I've been seeing this syntax on a few libraries now and I'm wondering what the benefit is. (note i'm well aware of closures and what the code is doing, I'm only concerned about the syntactical differences)

  // do stuff

As an alternative to the more common

  // do stuff

for self invoking anonymous functions.

I'm wondering a few things. First off, what is allowing the top example to actually work? Why is the bang necessary in order to make this statement syntactically correct? I'm told also that + works, and I'm sure some others, in place of !

Second, what is the benefit? All I can tell is that it saves a single character, but I can't imagine that's such a huge benefit to attract numerous adopters. Is there some other benefit I"m missing?

The only other difference I can see would be the return value of the self invoking function, but in both of these examples, we don't really care about the return value of the function since it's used only to create a closure. So can someone tell me why one might use the first syntax?

Best Answer

Ideally you should be able to do all this simply as:

  // do stuff

That means declare anonymous function and execute it. But that will not work due to specifics of JS grammar.

So shortest form of achieving this is to use some expression e.g. UnaryExpression (and so CallExpression):

  // do stuff

Or for the fun:

  // do stuff


  // do stuff

Or even:

  // do stuff
  return 0;
}( );