Javascript – Get full sized picture from facebook graph API


I'm using the graph api endpoint /PAGE_ID/posts to get all posts from a facebook page.
Now I want the full sized image from these posts. The picture property of the returned objects gives me only a cropped version of that image.

With the object id from these posts and the API endpoint /OBJECT_ID/picture I get the only the small, normal and album sized version of the picture. But with a little modification to the URL I managed to get the full sized image.


This URL:

redirects to this URL:

I removed the 720x720 from that URL to get this URL:

which is finally the full sized image.

I think, that I can achieve this modification with a regex pattern. But now is my question, how I can get the URL after the redirect from the original URL (the first one).

Any ideas or simpler solutions?

Best Answer

This is how you can get larger pictures:




Also take a look at answer in this thread: Facebook Graph API : get larger pictures in one request

Edit: As this does not seem to work with Object IDs, you can just grab the image from this response:

Look out for the "images" array.

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