JavaScript – Get size in bytes from HTML img src


I would like to know how to get the size in bytes from the "src" from an "img" tag with HTML/JS.

<img src=""/>

In the above example I would basicly want to know how big "testpattern.gif" is (in bytes).

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Well, this is 2017 and you can now use Resource Timing API to extract an image's transferSize, encodedBodySize, decodedBodySize within javascript:

Below is the code to access size information for all the imgs on a page (see the caveat to all below):

var imgElems = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for ( var i=0, len = imgElems.length; i < len; i++ ) 
    var url = imgElems[i].src || imgElems[i].href;
    if (url && url.length > 0)
        var iTime = performance.getEntriesByName(url)[0];
        console.log(iTime.transferSize); //or encodedBodySize, decodedBodySize
  • Make sure you run the above code after document onload (to be sure images are loaded)
  • Due to CORS, timing information for images coming from a different domain may not be available (unless the different domain's server has set Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP response header)
  • Be sure resource timing api is available for the browser(s) you are targetting :
  • Make sure you get a grasp of the difference between transferSize, encodedBodySize, decodedBodySize to be sure you use the right size attribute.