Google-chrome – Google Chrome Developer Toolkit is Slow


I have been using Google Chrome's dev tool kit (element inspection, stack trace, javascript debugging, etc.) for some time with great success.

However, about two weeks ago, it suddenly became VERY sluggish. For example, when I right-click an element in the UI and then click "Inspect Element", or when I simply press F12, the code window takes 30-45 seconds to come up. It used to happen in less than a second.

Has anyone else run into this problem? If so, were you able to correct it? How?

Thanks in advance!


Best Answer

I've had the same problem, tried the same solutions without luck, until I fired procmon and saw that Chrome was actually reading my entire Projects folder (which is several hundred thousand files worth).

There was a reference to that folder in the Workspace/Folders section in the dev tools Settings app. Removing the reference solved the problem.