Javascript – Google Maps API v3: InfoWindow not sizing correctly

cssgoogle mapshtmljavascript

It appears my InfoWindow, when you click on the home icon on my Google Maps v3, is not properly auto-sizing to the content of the InfoWindow.

It gives scrollbars when it should not. The InfoWindow should be properly auto-sizing.

Any ideas on why?

Per request, the relevant JavaScript which injects the HTML for the InfoWindow:

listing = '<div>Content goes here</div>';


This bug was handled by Google in issue

The fix was implemented in February 2015 in version 3.19 of Maps JavaScript API.

Best Answer

Add a div inside your infowindow

<div id=\"mydiv\">YourContent</div>

Then set the size using css. works for me. This asumes all infowindows are the same size!
